Monday 7 November 2011

Hello, is there anybody in there? Please blog if you can hear me

So after a long break from my blog I had a couple post brainstorms and decided I was ready to finally return in style to my blogging.
Or so I thought.
First world problems up teh wazoo.

Here is a break down of my problem.

Step 1-Can't remember blogger password
Step 2-Request password reminder which is sent to gmail
Step 3-Can't remember gmail password
Step 4-Request password reminder which is sent to my hotmail
Step 5-Hotmail was synched with google only hours ago so I could see a private youtube video
Step 6- when I click the 'reset password' link, it takes me to the page which offers reset, but not for my gmail
Step 7-It offers me reset for my hotmail, which I know the password to, I just came from there.
Step 8-I try going to the Blogger Help Forums to post a question
Step 9-Blogger informs me one must be signed in to post a question.
Step 10-I give up.
Step 11- Make new blog to complain about not being able to log into blog.

Why must everything be linked to google?
I'm mad at google so it does't deserve to be capitalised.


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